What Can I Expect After Hair Transplant Procedure?
Hair transplants are a cutting-edge, long-term hair restoration procedure. These therapies are getting safer and less intrusive as technology advances. It is, however, still a medical operation that requires anesthetic and surgical micro-incisions in the target area. This implies that hair transplant surgery carries some hazards. Hair transplant side effects are rarely painful, and the healing process is usually quick and painless. Hair transplant side effects usually last a few days, weeks, or even a month after the treatment. If you have any negative side effects, you should contact the assistance line included in your aftercare booklet. The skilled specialists will be able to advise you on what to do in an emergency or schedule an appointment to review hair transplant risk factors and how they may have influenced the outcome of your treatment. Are There Any Side Effects of Hair Transplant Hair transplants are generally safe when performed by a trained, experience...