Top Reasons Why You Might Suffering Hair Loss

According to research published in The National Library of Medicine , ‘Hair loss represents a distressing issue affecting a large portion of the population, including up to 85% of males and 40% of females, and its incidence increases with age for both sexes. Though many causes of hair loss exist.’ Hair thinning is the slow-scale loss of hair. It is characterized by gradual, moderate to slight hair loss. Additionally, hair loss does not result in baldness; but leaves certain thin areas on the scalp. Here are a few causes of hair loss that you may experience. 1. Overtreatment: Your hair follicles may become weaker if you experiment with various hair products. Hair loss over time might result from over-treating your hair. If you stop using dangerous products and take better care of your hair naturally, the hair loss might, even so, stop. Your hair might become damaged by perms, color treatments, relaxers, harsh washes, and ...