PRP and Microneedling: The Ultimate Solution to Hair Loss
Indeed, hair loss is a crucial problem these days. Sadly, the problem is quite common among men than women. Certainly, hair loss has several causes, but people with hormonal imbalance and health problems face this issue more than anyone else (American Hair Loss Association). Moreover, stress and depression also make it intricate to enjoy healthy hair for a longer time.
Nevertheless, a decade ago, it was challenging to combat hair fall due to limited technology and innovation. Gladly, introducing the latest techniques and equipment has made it easier to get rid of hair fall in no time. For instance, PRP hair treatment is considered an ideal solution to treat all types of hair fall. This less invasive treatment is getting great recognition globally due to its remarkable results.
Precisely, the latest technology has given a new glimmer of hope, and it has become possible for everyone to look young and juvenile even in their 40s and 50s.
Interestingly, surgeons offer PRP therapy with other remarkable treatments for hair loss that are advantageous with no harsh side effects. These treatments give new life and breeze to hair.
Medical Facts about Hair Loss
The medical term of hair loss is known as alopecia. There are several types of alopecia, but androgenetic alopecia is common these days (especially among men). Androgenetic alopecia is also known as male pattern baldness, even though 40% of the people who have it are women.
Therefore, it is evident that hair fall is a significant issue among men and women.
Hair Fall: An Emotional Issue
Generally, people pay no heed to the fact that emotional disturbance is the fundamental cause of hair loss, making the problem more difficult. According to the recent research study by American Hair Loss Association, ‘Stress and depression is the primary cause of male pattern baldness among men.’ Nevertheless, men never express their feelings appropriately, and emotional issues make it difficult for them to enjoy a happy life. Sadly, emotional distress and mental health issues are common among women as well. That’s why; hair fall is becoming a common issue among men and women.
Therefore, it is suggested to take your mental health seriously and resolve the issues in the first place. A stress-free and tranquil life is somewhat imperative for you if you genuinely intend to spend a healthy life.
Two Latest Treatments for Hair Loss
Nowadays, surgeons are offering the two latest treatments to treat hair fall in less time better. The first treatment is known as ‘micro-needling, and the second one is ‘Platelet Rich Plasma’ (aka PRP therapy).
Undoubtedly, both of these treatments show excellent results, but their combined effects are pleasingly surprising. That’s why; surgeons prefer the combined treatment for better and evident results.
Let’s explore some interesting details about both treatments individually.
This latest treatment harnesses your body power to heal in less time. The professional surgeon moves a device with thousands of tiny needles all over your scalp. These tiny needles cause thousands of micro-wounds but relax. You don’t feel much pain and discomfort.
These tiny injuries cause your body to deploy all its healing capabilities. Resultantly, your hair follicles start growing better and quicker. Moreover, it stimulates the process of hair growth and makes your hair thick.
PRP Therapy
One of PRP hair treatment’s critical benefits is that it takes advantage of your natural capabilities to heal in less time. The process is quite simple and doesn’t involve significant risks. The expert surgeon performs PRP therapy in three steps.
Firstly, the surgeon draws blood from your body. Secondly, he processes the drawn blood and separates other components from it. Lastly, he mixes a small proportion of plasma in the platelets and injects the mixed solution into the intended scalp area.
As a result, your hair follicles start regrowing better and quicker. The treatment is valuable to slow down the process of hair fall.
PRP and Microneedling: Combined Treatment for Hair Fall
The combined treatment of PRP and microneedling shows remarkable and desired results. The majority of the researchers have also confirmed that this joint treatment not only speed-up the process of hair growth but heals your body quickly. Captivatingly, you don’t feel much throbbing and distress due to the combined treatment.
Surgeons also mix Exosomes and Stem cells with microneedling and PRP therapy to speed up hair follicles’ growth. This way, you can enjoy rapid hair growth, and your older follicles get back into better shape. Also, it is a fantastic way to get back your thick hair.
Enjoy the Joy of Thick Hair with These Combined Treatments
So, have you read the discussion mentioned above properly? Don’t you think you should opt for combined treatment for better and prompt results?
Unquestionably, you should.
However, always choose a competent, skilled, and professional hair transplant surgeon as only the experienced surgeon can perform this combined treatment like a pro.
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